Mmmm. Now there's a thing. I'm now using Facebook.
Well, when I say 'using' I mean I have registered and I've started to link to lots of people either because of Greenwich connections or older friends (from a previous university life) and family.
But I still don't quite know what it's for.
I'm also in the strange position where our website is linked to my FB page (and a number of groups I've set up or joined) and it's got a kind of blog front page as you both (!) know. Then there is this blog...
...oh and a Flickr account...
I've used Linked-in, a thing called Spreadshirt (you can see through PWOTG) and informe (which is where our Forum is hosted, free) and I've set up a Basecamp account for collaborative working...
That's in addition to online banking, utilities, Ebay, Google accounts, my ISP...
My brain has now imploded with all the login and password stuff to remember and not having any kind of computer is both v attractive and scary...
Next stage of the glass panel...
After a lull waiting for the glass supply shop to open after the holidays...
9 years ago
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